We never saw this coming

In what is surely a cruel twist of fate, is seems that Riley has beaten cancer, only to have her liver fail.  We had her back at the oncologist a week and a half ago, as she was experiencing abdominal swelling.  Her harness, which was always loose in the belly strap, was suddenly snug.  Her weight had ballooned to 52 pounds.  An ultrasound showed no tumors, but lots of fluid.  Her liver was small and cirrhotic.  There is nothing that can be done to fix it.  If necessary, the fluid can be suctioned off, but will return.  Four days later, we had her at the internist, and she was a slim 44 pounds again.

Riley struggles with mobility at the best of times.  With eight extra pounds, she injured her back leg, which is separate issue.

She was back at the internist last week, and her weight had crept back to 48 pounds.  When we weighed her at home this morning, she was a whopping 56.2.  Her belly is as tight as a drum.  We are going to give it another couple of days, and see if the swelling resolves itself this time.  If not, it is time for her to leave our care.  We are heartbroken.

Author: jogswithdogs

Riley 12 1/2 year old German Shorthair Pointer. She is scheduled for amputation 4/26/17 The diagnosis was histiocytic synovial cell sarcoma.

7 thoughts on “We never saw this coming”

  1. I am so sorry to read this about your Riley. We love our dogs so much, really like children. It is so hard to see them not well and not know what to do. I am very new to this group. My dog Remy was diagnosed with OSA just 10 days ago and has already had his left front leg amputated, just last Friday. You are right. It is not fair that Riley has to face another diagnosis like liver failure. Please research and see if there are any clinical trials available for Riley. And keep writing because regardless of the condition, we are here for you and Riley. Lynn

    1. Thank you for your kindness. And good luck with Remy.

      There is no time for a clinical trial for Riley. We made her final vet appointment for tomorrow morning.

  2. It jist breaks my heart to read this, absolutely breaks my jeart. I’m so very, very sorry our hero Riley needs to needs to the Bridge.

    As I looked back to,past blogs to see if I had missed a hint of this coming, I saw nothing of the sorts. I only saw that you jave done everything possible for your gal! I also saw that I had missed Riley’s miraculous 14th birthday. And it certainly was a miracle!

    Riley will inspire anybody starting this joirney, especially “mature” PUPS. She beat the odds and showed everyone how to,live lifemtonthe fullest every moment of everyday!

    I know Riley will be reliev3d to shed her earthly body that no longer serves her. As she needs to the Bridge healthy and whole, allmoir Bridge dogs will be there to welcome her back home. She’ll have a feast of the yummiest junk food ever created and joufully will frolic and play non-stop!

    I know, as I write this, your girl is still with you here. Continue to make every moment count. Continue to tell her all about the great times you have shared. Let her know you will look forward to her connecting with you once sjemgets settled at the Bridge. Let her know she has touched us all and thst her legacy of hope will continue to inspire everyone eternally. Her life matters. And we are all so privileged to travel this journey with her…and with her devoted hoomans.

    We are holding you so tightly and safely in our hearts tonight. Many of us have been where you are. It is brutal. Just know you are giving Riley the greatest gift of love a dog could EVER receive. You’ve been her Campion everyday she has been with you…..and she knew you would not let her down when she needed you to be her Champion now more than other.

    With love, so much love,
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too

  3. Thank you for your kind words. We will spend the evening snuggling with her. She got a hot dog with her dinner, which is a rare and guilty pleasure. Her appetite is still good.

    While I have not posted often, this website has been a wonderful resource, and I have visited frequently. Thanks to all who maintain the site for those of us in need.

  4. Ohhhh nooooo. My heart sank when I read this. Riley is such a one-of-a-kind girl, I’m so very, very sorry.

    Spoil that girl rotten for as long as you can, and give her lots of smooches from us. We are always here for you and understand the difficulty of saying goodbye under these circumstances, so don’t be shy OK?

    We are keeping a candle lit in our hearts, and sending lots of love to you and your best girl. {{{hugs}}}}

  5. Riley is now your Guardian Angel watching over you as you did him everyday of his earthly journey..

    Look to the Heavens tonight. There will be a twinkling star that will catch your eye moreso than any others. That’s Riley’s eternal light letting you know he has arrived back home safely, healthy and whole.

    When you can, do come back and share more of the adventures you shared with Riley.. You have some really rough times ahead as you adjust to the void and the break in routine. Riley wants you to remember all the non-stop fun times he had with you. In fact, he’s been bragging to all his friends at the Bridge that everyday with you was the best time any dog could ever have!!! And he let them know he wouldn’t change one single thing…not one single thing, just as long as he could have you as his hoomans 💖

    I just glanced outside because a twinkling star just caught my attention. Definitely Riley saying hello!

    With love
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  6. Actually, it wasn’t a star, but a tennis ball that was Riley’s message. Later on that most awful day, I moved her elevated bowl, and found a tennis ball behind it. For most of her life, Riley carried a tennis ball around for much of the time. As she was handed treats primarily in the kitchen, she would drop the inevitable tennis ball so that she could eat her treat. They tended to accumulate in the kitchen – I once got tired of tripping over them and put fifteen balls back in the toy box!
    After her amputation, Riley pretty much stopped carrying a ball around, so finding one behind her bowl was a lovely little surprise. Miss you, Riley.

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